February 20, 2007

100 First Face Ads

Today the number of "Face Ads" in my MyBlogLog.Mini-News.com has reached 100. My congratulations to all participants and visitors of the web project!

Current collection of the Face Ads represents a wide spectrum of topics (from IT to Love), ages (17-70), countries (from US, Europe to India), and experience (from pro to student).

Now, when there are 100 Face Ads, we can promote them in alternative way, - through new "RANDOM" WIDGET. It shows four randomly (1-100) selected Face Ads:


Thea said...

I love the new random widget. Have placed it on all my updated blogs and will soon be on each of my blogs. Good work. Great idea. Thank you.
Cheers, Thea

Susan (5 Minutes For Mom) said...

Very cool!